So you're probably wondering why the name of this blog is titled "thirty2books", well it all started on January 25th, 2015 (I know the exact date because I wrote the idea for thirty2books in my iPhone notes on this specific day). I was sitting in church listening to my Pastor teach on how important it is to be doers of the Word and not just hearers.
He said, "People won't remember so much of what you say, but they will remember what you do." He also began speaking on servanthood and hearing those grand words, "Servant well done." After that sermon, I went home and thought about what I was doing to disciple souls to Christ and to make a positive impact in this world. I thought of a couple of things but nothing that jumped out for a "Servant well done" from God. I loved people, and felt like I was a giving person. However, my Pastor said something else that really resonated in my Spirit, he said, " A true sacrifice hurts, it forces you to move beyond what is comfortable." As I pondered on those words, I realized I hadn't done much of anything that hurt; anything that forced me to step out on faith; or anything that warranted me an applause from God.
A word I typed in my iPhone notes that day during the sermon was "books". All day I pondered and prayed over that word, it's relevance to me, and how books played into me serving and sacrificing. From there, the idea to challenge myself to read as many books as possible in a years span began. I started researching books, books and more books. Books on finances, spirituality, christianity, relationships, self-help books, books on following your dreams, philanthropy, etc. I wanted to not only grow in my weaker areas but strengthen my stronger ones as well, and I thought what a better way to serve than to share. So the idea to share my book challenge and journey on social media started. That's a big part of serving to me, sharing a piece of you with others.
Now to the number 32, I realized I needed something that would challenge me and cause me to sacrifice some t.v. time, useless social media scrolling and make me wake up a little early and go to bed a little late. There are 52 weeks in a year and I knew there was no way I'd read a book a week so 32 seemed like a good solid challenge. Plus I'm apart of a sorority and there were 32 of us on my line, I thought what a better number! :) Many followed my journey of reading 32 books on my Instagram and Facebook page,and if you were one of those people I want to say thank you! It was a wonderful challenge that I found not only inspired me but others around me to read more. Those 32 books helped change the trajectory of my life; it was the first step in walking in what God has called me to do. Has God told you to do something that seemed so far left? If so, do it! Do it diligently and wholeheartedly! Someone needs what you're afraid and lingering around to do. It won't be perfect, you'll stumble and make tons of mistakes along the way but obedience is better than sacrifice. Promises are directly tied to your obedience, so trust the vision God has given you and start where you are!
If you need prayer for courage and boldness, please feel free to fill out the contact form under the "Connect" Tab. I'd love to pray over and with you! The world needs what God has placed inside of you, so go be brave and share it!